Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 1 notes

-       He is described twice as a beast in the first chapter.  The first time is when he was drinking water, he didn’t care whether it was clean or dirty he was just very thirsty. Then they described him as if the way he was drinking out of the dirty river water was, as a horse would drink. The second time they talk about how he was following his friend George and dragging his feet on the dirt as a bear would drag his paws. Again describing a human as an animal, those are two examples of naturalism.
-       Lennie has a disadvantage, and that is why he kind of relies on his friends George for most things, like a job, food, water, survival on the road, and company so that he is isn’t feeling lonely.

-       George:
-       He is the one that carries all the weight taking care of Lennie making sure they both have jobs, food water, and survive on the road. And, I would say Lennie also keeps him company.
-       George also relies on lennie for small reasons, because he is short and not as strong as Lennie is so you could say that George also relies on Lennie in ways.

-       Setting:
-       This all takes place in the wood by an old lake that has been stagnant for a while now, the 1930s is very different from now, especially in their type of cloth and they way they react to a situation once they are in trouble.

-       I can relate to this situation in a short story I read before “The Scarlet Ibis”. It kind of a similar situation, because the same way doodle relied on his brother and vise versa. Lennie and George rely on each other. 

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